Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chapter 2

Terra Blitz was quiet that night when the husband and wife team landed at the terra. They entered a small house that had a hole on the top. Inside a fire was going and the little girl was sleeping. An elderly woman sat on the couch stroking the little girls hair.
“Mother thanks for wa-“
“There gone.”
“The Storm Hawks.”
“What you mean…”
“They were betrayed by Ace.”
The room was quiet and they looked at each in disbelief.
“We owe my teams leader to look after the descendent.”
The family agreed and an adventure began.

Chapter 2 A Wallop Named Teri

Kat and Rain had been flying for hours in the clear blue skies of Atmos.
“This is great Rain, no one to boss us around and the sky is ours to sky,” Kat smiled.
Rain smiled and agreed with Kat. Suddenly Rain heard a strange noise. She looked around and saw nothing,
“Sounds like your hungry Rain,” Kat smiled.
“Hey look its Terra Aquamerk. Let’s go get something to eat and then we can head over to the skimmer races,” Kat headed down to the terra unaware of the danger waiting around the corner.
The terra was busy with travelers and town people. Kat parked her skimmer outside a small wooded building with a sign saying Harold’s Restaurant. Rain looked at the door and hide behind Kat.
“Rain what wrong?”
“Where do ya thank ya goin’” grunted a muscular sleeveless shirt wallop.
“Um inside to get something to eat,” Kat replied looking over the towering figure.
“I don’t thank so,” grunted the wallop.
“Please sir we have been traveling for a long time and..”
“Mario you let this nice girl in. She said please!” a feminine British voice shouted.
“Fine. Ya go in now.” The wallop opened the door to the restaurant. Once in he closed the door and looked around the corner at a dark shadow. “Sorry sir no sign of the sky knight but I will keep looking.”
“And if you disappoint me you will pay,” the dark figure replied.
Kat and Rain entered the small wooded restaurant that had all wooded tables and had candles on each table. Each table was taken and every stool at the bar was taken by drunken bums.
“No one where to sit,” Kat signed.
“You can sit here but please don’t touch my tea,” said a light purple hair tan British wallop.
“Of course thank you!” smiled Kat. “Do you mind if my friend Rain sits with us?”
“Not at all,” the wallop smiled.
Kat sat across from her and Rain sat next to Kat.
“My name is Katrina. But you can call me Kat. And this is Rain of course.”
“Its very nice to meet you Kat! My name is Teri mechanic,” smiled the wallop, “so what brings a girl like you to a place like this?”
“Well I am traveling Atmos to find my true calling in life,” Kat replied, “Cause living in high life is definitely not my style.”
“So you are a General’s daughter?”
“Yeah but I just don’t like to live that kind of life. I want adventure, fun and excitement!”
“Sounds like you want to be part of a squadron.”
Kat sat there thinking about what Teri was saying as Rain stuffed her face with food. Just then a large crash was heard in the kitchen.
“GRAB THAT RAT!” yelled one of the cooks.
A small light blue animal shot out of the kitchen and ran out the front door.
“What was that?” Teri looked at Kat.
“Lets check it out!” Kat said standing up and running out of the restaurant.
They looked outside the restaurant and saw one of the bushes moving.
“I think its over there.” Teri pointed to the bushes. Two little yellow eyes peeks out of the bushes and looked at them.
“Hey there little guy. You can come out we won’t hurt you.” Kat smiled putting out her hand.
A small blue baby like Rain creature came out of the bushes shivering with fear.
“Oh you’re just a baby. Come with me little guy we will help you find your family.”
The small baby frowned and gave a small cry.
“I don’t think he has a family,” Teri said.
“Poor little guy.” Kat said. “Would you like to be adopted into a family?”
The little blue guy smiled and jumped up and down.
“Who do you know that wants a little blue creature?”
“Me. He needs a family and well Rain could always use come company.”
Rain looked at Kat with a small growl. The little blue creature jumped up in Kat’s arms and purred.
“So what are you going to call him?”
Teri smiled as she looked at the happy little creature.
Suddenly a large explosion came from the back. Teri and Kat ran to the back of the restaurant and saw two talons running out of the back with Ravess right behind with two fire stones.
“Thanks for the stones!” Ravess laughed.
“Hey Ravess give those back!” Kat yelled.
Ravess looked at Kat and laughed at her.
“And what are you going to do about it little girl,” Ravess laughed.
Kat jumped in the air and landed behind Ravess. Ravess swung her arm back not expecting for Kat to block it and grabbed her arm throwing her back causing Ravess to drop the two crystals. Teri grabbed them before the hit the ground.
The two talons came back with there weapons drawn. Teri reached behind her to reveal her whomping mallet. She swung the mallet on the ground causing the two talons to fly backwards onto Ravess who was getting back up from Kat’s toss back. The talons and Ravess did not notice they were in a trash bucket. The bucket was soon picked up by the dump ship and dumped them inside the back.
“You will not get away with this!” Ravess yelled climbing to the top of the dump ship with a banana peal on top of her head.
The ship left leaving the Teri and Kat alone.
“Well that was exciting,” smiled Kat
Teri hugged Kat and Rain with Lightning looking on.
“That was! Hey you think I can join you on your quest to find yourself!?!”
Kat looked at Rain, who was trying to breath, “Sure why not! The more the merrier!”
So with that Kat and Rain with their new friends Lightning and Teri went left the terra and headed towards the unknown.
Back at the terra, the dark figure looked around and looked at Mario.
“Looks like we have some new threat to worry about.” The dark figure growled.
“But sir that wallop is a fellow Aquamerk!” Mario begged.
“Then you will be a threat as well!” the dark figure snapped his fingers and 5 talons grabbed the wallop and dragged him away.
“I will take care of that sky knight and the new girl in Atmos.”

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